Saturday, June 27, 2009

1 Day Left

So it's the wee hours of Sunday, the day before I leave and I'm almost all set to go. I still haven't finished packing which is pretty much my biggest thing to do. It's almost surreal, like I can't believe I only have one day left before I'm out of the country for almost 3 weeks. I can't wait to go though! Also, I'm traveling with my girlfriend who also has her own blog so feel free to check that out too and get another view on our trip to China.

The biggest worry for everyone seems to be the H1N1 virus, more commonly known as the Swine Flu. Apparently, the Chinese government has been quarantining people who have slight fevers or show symptoms. Well I've been making sure I have a lot of sleep and vitamin C so I won't get sick. I'm not very worried about it, though some say I should be, but I don't find the use in getting worked up over something that most likely won't happen.

Well, I'm out for now, but check back soon as I will soon be making my first post from the People's Republic of China!! Get excited...


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. It's Monday morning in MA, so I'm thinking you're in China by now! Looking forward to reading about your experiences--you never get a second time to visit China for the first time, so make sure you're capturing your thoughts and ideas as you soak it all in! I envy you, my friend....

  3. All

    I spoke to Erik today. The good news is that he arrived in China safe and sound and was not quarantined! whew! The bad news is that his blog site is not working from China. He is writing in his journal and will update his blog when he returns.
