Friday, February 20, 2009

The New York Post(ed)... something stupid

So recently The New York Post ran a cartoon which caught a lot of flack from the public for its racist overtone. The paper ran an apology to the public (which I was reading about... which is why I decided to blog on it) in which they do apologize, yet they also defend themselves.

Here is the cartoon...

Now I understand where people are coming from saying that the cartoon can appear to be racist, but I think that in the time we live in now, this is just crazy to accuse a paper like this of racism. The New York Post said that the cartoon was "meant to mock an 'ineptly written' stimulus bill." The theme of racism struck most people and have caused an outrage. The cartoon is also taken from an event from this previous week where a woman was mauled and nearly killed by a chimpanzee. The paper did apologize for their accused racism, but they also defended themselves by saying, "However, there are some [people] in the media and in public life who have had differences with The Post in the past -- and they see the incident as an opportunity for payback. To them, no apology is due. Sometimes a cartoon is just a cartoon -- even as the opportunists seek to make it something else."

I feel that, though this could be taken as a racist cartoon, you should really take into account the situation as well, such as social, political, and public climates. While I stand by my decision saying that I wouldn't consider this a racist cartoon, I will say this... the people who let this cartoon run in the paper were just down-right stupid. They had to be very naive to not think that this cartoon would raise a lot of red flags.

Let me hear what you think about it...


  1. I agree that they may have been a little naive to think no one would complain about it but I agree with them. Now-a-days everything’s either black or white. Like we talked about in class today either a "racist" comment is a joke or on the complete other side and is meant to hurt someone. America needs to relax a little bit. Hear the new law that some guy is trying to pass? Kids under 18 have to wear a helmet while sledding. Next thing you'll know we will all have to wear a helmet all day, everyday... sleeping? Too bad. Helmet.

  2. I can see how people could be mad about this on both sides. Obviously it has its way of seeming racist, but we do need to lighten up. The liberal media could really destroy anything if they wanted.
