Tuesday, July 21, 2009


I know you all have been waiting patiently for me to write about my travels, but the wait might be just a little longer. I have not yet finished my first post and now I'm driving down to Tennessee for a week. I promise I'll work on finishing it up down there and try to have it up early next week. I might even have a second post up right after(?) but let's not get ahead of ourselves.

Again I apologize, please don't tar and feather me...

Saturday, July 18, 2009

REJOICE!! For I Have Returned

First and foremost, I would like to apologize to you readers, I know that you thought I would update while I was in China, but the governement censors this site and I was unable to log on and blog about my journey. Never-the-less, I am back in the land of the free [web surfing] and the home of the brave.

So, I have made my triumphant return to the USA and I have many tales of the far east to share with all of you! I know I promised pictures and such, but I have to go through them first and decide which one's will be up here, which ones will make it to Facebook, and I might create a Flickr or PhotoBucket account to host all my pictures so if anyone knows which is better, let me know. My upcoming schedule is busy, but with any free time I might get, I will be posting up what happened day to day as much as I can.

Stay tuned for my newest post should be up by the end of the weekend... hopefully.