Wednesday, March 4, 2009

You're Infected

It astounds me how much nonsense the internet provides the public each day. Yes, I am talking about viral videos. Most viral videos I think are the funniest things I will ever see. Hollywood can spend millions of dollars on big blockbuster movies, but all I need is some skateboarder falling hard, some weird cartoon, or some random video jabbering on about nothing. YouTube seems to have a monopoly on virals since its the most widely used website for uploading videos to the internet. They have made such an impact on our society that viral videos from time to time are featured on the news and more recently have been the backdrop for the "Pork and Beans" music video by Weezer. Some virals are just commercials on TV while other are just some creative people messing around with a video camera. Below, I embedded two of my favorite virals (the first one is NSFW just for some cussing) and I will provide links for some other good ones.

Drinking Out of Cups

Cheerleading Dad

"Pork and Beans" by Weezer

Dennis Quaid on the Ellen Show